white concrete building?

Service Activities

The Bahá'í community worldwide is focused on a number of service activities. These activities are open to anyone who has an interest. If you would like to receive more information or participate in these service activities in Irvine, please contact us at the LSA.of.Irvine@gmail.com

The Service Activities include:

Children's Classes

"Regard man as a mine rich in gems of inestimable value. Education can, alone, cause it to reveal its treasures, and enable mankind to benefit therefrom." ~Bahá'u'lláh

As children are the future of the community, their spiritual education is viewed by Bahá'ís as the most important and meritorious of services. In light of this, the Bahá'í community offers children's classes in various venues, so that the classes may be available to as many children as possible.

The writings of the Bahá'í Faith affirm that spiritual education is at the heart of an educational process that leads to the elevation and transformation of the human spirit.

Each child is unique, endowed by God with specific talents and faculties. The purpose of the classes is to assist children to acquire spiritual qualities and an upright character, revealing those gems latent within them. Lessons include various modes of learning, memorization of quotations, story telling, games, songs and art.

Children should be instructed using an attitude of love and understanding, guiding their behavior in order to create a joyful and disciplined learning environment, respecting the nobility of the children. Special training helps teachers to increase their understanding of the Bahá'í principles on education and to conduct the classes with love and discipline.

Some of the spiritual qualities taught: Generosity, Justice, Kindness, Unity, Courage, Truthfulness, Reliance on God, Love, Trustworthiness, Humility, Service to Humanity

Junior Youth Classes

Junior youth classes help youth ages 11-14 develop spiritual and intellectual capacities. The classes combine learning with service, teaching youth to put spiritual principles into practice in their lives. The curriculum helps them to enhance their spiritual perception and make sound moral decisions.

Youth at this age are at an important part of their lives, where they will be making decisions and forming habits that will have a great deal of influence on their character as they grow older. Junior youth classes help them to understand how they can develop a sound character through spiritual understanding and upright conduct. The philosophy behind the classes assumes that youth at this age have great potential, and that even at a young age they can make a valuable contribution to the betterment of the world. Junior youth classes help them to achieve this potential.

The classes also help youth develop the power of expression through the arts. Classes may include singing, drama, crafts and other art forms to help teach spiritual principles. The classes are designed to be engaging for the youth while instilling in them positive values.

Devotional Meetings

Regular devotional meetings are essential to the spiritual life of the community. They serve to both reinforce the spiritual growth of the individual and foster the dynamics of love and unity within the community. The programs are simple and free from rituals. People may gather in the local community center, in the park or in someone's home. Music is often used to create a meditative and reflective atmosphere. Devotional meetings are open to all and you may share your prayers, sacred literature or inspirational writings and poetry in the meetings.

Study Circles

Study circles are a series of courses designed to help individuals create a conscious basis of a life of service to humanity, and to find practical applications of spiritual principles. They are usually conducted in small groups with one individual serving as a tutor to facilitate the learning process.

The first course consists of three units: Understanding the Bahá'í Writings, Prayer, and Life and Death. The purpose of this course is to help the individual reflect upon and understand these important topics through direct interaction with the Word of God.

The following is a summary of themes covered in the three sections of the first course:

Understanding the Bahá'í Writings

  • Why should we read and reflect upon the sacred Writings?

  • How do the sacred Writings affect our soul and mind?


  • What is prayer?

  • Why should we pray?

  • What attitudes of heart and mind are necessary for prayer?

  • What are the benefits of prayer?

Life and Death

  • What is the purpose of life?

  • What is the nature of the soul?

  • What is the condition of the soul after death?

  • What is the appropriate attitude towards the present condition of our lives?

Social Action and Community Service Projects

Bahá’í efforts of social action seek to promote the social and material well-being of people of all walks of life, whatever their beliefs or background. Such efforts are motivated by the desire to serve humanity and contribute to constructive social change. Together they represent a growing process of learning concerned with the application of the teachings of Bahá’u’lláh, along with knowledge accumulated in different fields of human endeavor, to social reality.